Brian Soderstrom

National Vice-President

Brother Brian Soderstrom joined TCU in 2005 as an Ore Dock employee of the Canadian National Railway at the Duluth and Two Harbors, Minnesota, Lake Superior Iron Ore shipping facilities. On October 1, 2014, he was elected as a Board Member of TCU Local Lodge 319 and later on appointed Vice President. Brian became the Local Chairperson for TCU LL 319 on January 1, 2016, and continued as Local Chairperson until December 31, 2022.

He was then appointed TCU Division Chairperson for Unit 46 on January 1, 2021; on August 1, 2021, he was appointed TCU Assistant National Representative for Unit 46 by National President Maratea. In December 2022, Brian was appointed as the TCU National Representative for Unit 46.

On April 10, 2024, Brother Brian was unanimously elected by the Executive Council as a National Vice President.