Category Archives: Member Benefits

Railroad Retirement Board Pre- Retirement Seminars April through June 2024

The U.S. Railroad Retirement Board (the Board) has announced in-person Pre-Retirement Seminars. Union officials, auxiliary members, and their spouses are welcome to attend, as well as rail employees and spouses within 5 years of retirement. Find below a schedule of the upcoming Pre-Retirement Seminars to be held by the Board during the period of April

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National Freight Health and Welfare Plan Monthly Cost will Remain Unchanged for 2024

Today, the Cooperating Railway Labor Organizations (CRLO) met with the National Carrier’s Conference Committee (NCCC) to review rate recommendations by United Healthcare.  The monthly contribution rate for our members covered under the National Freight Health and Welfare Plan will remain unchanged throughout 2024. It will remain at the current 15% or $309.21.   “Keeping the

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