Category Archives: Member Benefits

Open Enrollment Period for UnitedHealthcare’s GA-23111 Changes to November-December 2008

During the months of November and December 2008, UnitedHealthcare will hold an open enrollment under GA-23111 for railroad employees and/or their dependents. During this open enrollment period, any individual eligible for coverage under one of the GA-23111 plans can enroll and will be accepted for coverage without any medical underwriting or requirement of good health. 

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IAM Scholarship Competition 2009

Started in 1960, the IAM scholarship competition currently includes 63 active awards (including a vocational-technical two-year scholarship available to both children of members and members themselves).  It is highly competitive. Deadline to apply is February 27, 2009. To find out more, including information about eligibility and to download one of the three application packets, click here.

Under ’07 National Freight Agreements, Significant Benefit Improvement Negotiated: Certain Co-Pays Reduced

TCU members covered by the 2007 National Freight Agreements have a significant health insurance benefit improvement coming their way.  Starting November 1, 2008, office visit co-pays for nurse practitioners, physicians’ assistants, physical therapists and chiropractors will drop $15—from $35 to $20. There’s more: a new supplemental discount program soon will be applied to charges for

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Disaster Assistance for Members Harmed by Torrential Rain, Floods and Tornado in Indiana and in Other States

AFL-CIO/Red Cross (Indiana) In Indiana, AFL-CIO Labor Liaisons to the Red Cross have been assigned to assist union members who have been affected by the widespread devastation floods and tornados.  Many people are in need of services: now the AFL-CIO and Red Cross are asking TCU members to help identify anyone who needs help.  If you,

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