Category Archives: Carmen Division

Lodge 6760: September 2007 Regional Dinner Meeting in Cincinnati

September 24, 2007—As the largest lodge in Unit 200, Lodge 6760, representing almost 300 members in 13 cities in four states, rotates monthly meetings between those cities, reports Local Chairman Steve Wilhelm.  This evening it was Cincinnati, Ohio’s turn to host the Regional Dinner Meeting.  Among  highlights, retiring Vice Local Chairman Mike Thacker was honored for

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L. C. Bauman Now Chairman of Division Executive Board and a TCU Trustee

September 7, 2007 —Unit 320 International Representative Leonard Bauman of North Little Rock, Arkansas, has been elected Chairman of the Carmen Division Executive Board.  In that capacity he also now serves as a Grand Lodge Trustee. The appointment was made to fill the vacancy left by the retirement of J. V. Waller at the end of August. Bauman started

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