Category Archives: Carmen Division

Tentative Agreement for Amtrak Carmen

                                            Summary analysis of the January 18, 2008 tentative agreement Full text of the agreement Seen in the photo at the signing of the tentative agreement are: from left, seated—Bill Bohne (IBEW), Gary Maslanka (TWU), Carmen Div. General Pres. Rich Johnson (TCU) and Robert Roach (IAM); standing—Jim Myer (IBEW), Alex Kummant (Amtrak), U.S. Rep. James L.

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Lodge 6760: September 2007 Regional Dinner Meeting in Cincinnati

September 24, 2007—As the largest lodge in Unit 200, Lodge 6760, representing almost 300 members in 13 cities in four states, rotates monthly meetings between those cities, reports Local Chairman Steve Wilhelm.  This evening it was Cincinnati, Ohio’s turn to host the Regional Dinner Meeting.  Among  highlights, retiring Vice Local Chairman Mike Thacker was honored for

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