TCU members continue to support our IAM brothers and sisters on strike at Caterpillar in Joliet, Il. This continued fight, at Caterpillar, needs to be supported by everyone. TCU President Bob Scardelletti has asked all TCU members in the area to give whatever support they can.

Many TCU members have stopped by the picket line with food and water and walked the line with our IAM brothers and sisters.

“Thank you to all the members that have supported this strike keep up the good work and continue to send in pictures and we will put them on our website,” said TCU President Bob Scardelletti.

The recent TCU members to join the line:

July 31 – August 1
Larry Jones, NR
Kevin O’Connell, ANR
Nathan White, ANR
John Falaris, LC #2500
Colleen McNamara, President #2500
J. Falaris, C. McNamara, O’Connell
August 1
NR Kelly Gilbertson
August 4-5
Roger Cain, NR
Carl Lakin, ANR
Jerry Kudlow, LC #6560
Joe Krmpotich, RS #6560
August 3-4
Dave Steele, NVP
Stan Boyd, NR
Fletcher Goble, ANR
Rob Lee, ANR
Matt Hollis, ANR
Stephanie Reavis, LC #464
Mike Kelly, LC #6324
Dean Martinez, Member #6324
August 7-8
Carl Tingle, AGP
See photo AGP Carl Tingle attached
August 6th
Stan Berlowitz
Click here to view the pictures of these TCU members on the line.

IAM members are on strike at Caterpillar in Joliet IL. TCU members have offered their support for this tough situation.
Click here to view the previous pictures from Joliet IL.

Click here to read the information about the Caterpillar strike from the IAM website.

TCU members in the Joliet IL area attended a rally and walked the picket line with IAM. TCU was warmly welcomed at the rally by IAM Midwest GVP Philip Gruber, who said, “I want to thank our new members from TCU in coming out to join us in this fight, their support is very welcome…every person on the picket line will make a difference.”

Click here to view pictures from the Caterpillar picket line and rally.

More photos and information will be added to this article as TCU receives it.