Survey Results for National Bargaining 

TCU recently concluded our survey process for all Clerical members in National Bargaining.  National Bargaining surveys are distributed to respective Local Chairs who have members covered under the National Agreement.  Surveys are then completed based on membership feedback prioritizing membership concerns. 

Members indicated a strong desire to have a contract without years of delay. Additional feedback was provided surrounding a variety of local work rule issues. Not surprisingly, securing wage increases and improving health and welfare benefits without increased costs were overwhelmingly the members top priority.

This week, TCU/IAM National President Maratea met with National and Assistant National Representatives, Division Chairs and several Local Chairs and explained his commitment to work to make these priorities a reality. 
“I have instructed our reps to begin meeting with each Carrier and begin the necessary discussions to get this process started.   Our members made it clear to me they want a contract and they do not want to go through years of waiting to get one.  We will do everything in our power to meet that expectation.   We are putting the Carrier’s on notice that we are ready to bargain and reach a fair contract now”. Said TCU National President Artie Maratea