TCU Reaches Tentative Agreement in National Bargaining

After three years of difficult and contentious bargaining with the National Carriers Conference Committee (NCCC), TCU Carmen and Clerks together with our coalition partners (IAM, TWU and IBEW) have reached a Tentative National Agreement (TA) subject to membership ratification. The TA follows the terms of the CBG TA, which has now been ratified by an overwhelmingly majority of CBG members. (6 rail unions) Those details have been widely published. A comprehensive ratification package is being prepared to be mailed to each TCU member. Working with our Printer we anticipate a membership mailing date of December 27 with a ballot count date of January 22, 2018. Once the ratification package is in the hands of the membership full details of the TA will be posted on the TCU website.

“After reviewing the ratification package and for all the reasons stated therein, I urge the membership to vote in favor of ratification,” said TCU President Bob Scardelletti

“I appreciate and thank the thousands of TCU members for their patience and support during this very difficult period.  It’s time to bring this round of bargaining to an end and begin to prepare for the next round just two years away. The TA is now in the hands of the TCU membership.”