Category Archives: Local News

Lodge 6760 Officers Installed

January 23, 2008—At the regular monthly meeting held in Columbus, Ohio, officers of TCU Lodge 6760 were installed for the next three year term.  Seen here from left are Local Chairman Steve Wilhelm, Board of Trustees Chairman Steve Pequignot, FST/Recording Secretary Rob Reisinger and President Phil Amadon.  Not seen is newly-elected Vice President R. Lance Wagner.  Also at

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Lodge 938–Union Pacific’s Intermodal Container Transfer Facility, Long Beach, CA

Lodge Officers Installed by IVP Lydon Below are Trus. Bd. Chrmn. Pete Anderson, VP Rufus Humphrey, IVP John Lydon, Asst. Int’l. Rep. Earl Lancaster, Local Chrmn./Pres. Alfredo Alvarez, Trus. Bd. Mbr. Oscar Muriel, Jr., Committeeman Carlos Megar and FST Les Bishop. December 11, 2007—At Lodge 938’s meeting today, newly-elected officers repeated their oaths of office and

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TCU Director Appointed to Committee to Evaluate Job Training Programs

June 19, 2007—TCU’s Dennis O’Malley has been appointed to the Department of Labor’s new 16-member Advisory Committee on Job Corps.  O’Malley is director of TCU’s Manpower Training Department which administers the Job Corps Advanced Transportation program at eight facilities nationwide.  (Overseeing the work of the TCU department is International Vice President David Steele.) In her announcement, DoL

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WRSA System Board 555

WRSA System Board 555 held its semi-annual convention in El Paso April 30-May 2, 2007.  In elections held May 2, Brian O’Reilly (District 5517) was voted General Chairman and Carla Henderson-Bradley (District 5504) as General Secretary/Vice General Chairperson. Chosen to serve on the Board of Trustees are Chairman Allen Brunson (District 5513) and Members Lloyd Gibson (District

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TCU Leadership Training

New Assistant International Rep Starts Building Skills at Week-long Briefwriter’s Seminar   Dave Cullinan, the newly-appointed Assistant International Representative for Unit 46, spent the week of July 13 at TCU headquarters in Rockville honing his skills in membership representation. Seen above in the center, he studied with Industry Relations Executive Director Debbie Horrell and IR Director Darwin Kubasiewicz.

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